The realization that the very food we trust most in the Western world can become a killer is shaking the globe. Wheat!
Over the course of their lifetime, scientists make thousands of seemingly groundbreaking assumptions – and then discard them again. Some after days, others after weeks, or years.
However, one that has remained unshakable up to now is this: "Wheat is healthy." It is not only found in white bread, but also in grainy brown bread. It is not only found in tarts, but also in most crunchy mueslis. And now this: 90 percent of our processed foods contain the part of wheat that can make people sick in what seems to be countless ways: gluten.
Gluten intolerance is turning medicine as we have known it upside down. Many inexplicable illnesses are appearing in a new light: chronic back pain , heart attacks, diabetes, cancer , chronic intestinal inflammation like IBS or Leaky Gut, restless legs, autism, memory disorders, depression - all of which have been identified by renowned experts as consequences of gluten intolerance. Consolidated and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
Americans are already sensing a $5 billion business. Cardboard like, gluten-free products without a hint of vitamins are already filling up the supermarket shelves. Once the pharmaceutical industry gets involved and develops a genetically manipulated drug to combat the effects of genetically manipulated wheat... then the economy will rise and shine and even Wall Street could recover.
We have known for a long time that eating too much and too fatty food makes us ill. But this whole chain of illnesses triggered by fresh bread, innocent pasta, morning cereal, fragrant biscuits, crispy pizza? For every three diagnosed cases of celiac disease, there are 97 who still have no idea of their misfortune. In the vast majority of cases, it takes years (mainly 7), if not decades, for a proper diagnosis. And to be precise, there are no rock solid testing methods for gluten intolerance, only more or less solid for celiac disease.
“Science – properly understood – cures people of their misplaced pride because it shows them their limits.” – Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965)
We once felt safe when we went to the bakery. That is long gone. We did not yet know the effects of genetically manipulated wheat - just as we do not know the long-term effects of genetic manipulation - in which the protein content of wheat was inflated by 40 percent. Super wheat. Sounds good. But it is disastrous... and its long-term side effects, or so it seems, are as frightening as those of improperly consumed antibiotics.
Only now, after the monstrous Covid mRNA disaster, is humanity slowly getting an idea of the slippery slope it is being led onto with scientifically cemented "facts".
As far as the use of antibiotics is concerned, it has taken decades to understand: their effectiveness absolutely depends on their correct use. But often even doctors do not know this. They prescribe them against viruses, which is not only useless, but even harmful to our internal ecosystem. They do not advise patients that the tablets must be taken to the end as directed under all circumstances, even if you feel fit again on day 3.
And patients, for their part, at the other end of the chain of action often just do what they want, against all reason. So the highly potent drugs eventually turned against us, to a terrifying extent. Antibiotic resistance will become one of the most serious health risks by 2050. Who could have guessed that such a danger can also be posed by something as seemingly harmless as gluten?! That it, like antibiotics, attacks the intestinal mucosa, albeit from a different direction? When both come together - too many antibiotics, too much gluten - the whole thing is exacerbated. We have been riding a loose canon for about 50 years, unsuspecting. Now it has exploded.
A so-called paradigm shift is normal in the natural sciences. First the wise men thought the earth was flat. Then they realized: No, the earth is round. There are always discoveries like this or similar that need to be corrected. What was previously murdered for, with words and deeds, was simply : an error. We long for answers that will last forever... especially when we become ill and vulnerable. But the fact is: They don't exist, at least not where we are looking for them.
An atom is harmless in itself, as long as nobody builds an nuclear bomb out of it. Wheat is harmless in itself, as long as nobody turns it into super wheat. Antibiotics are not harmless, but have more than often saved lives when administered for precisely defined indications. Even homeopathy is not harmless if you keep taking high potencies indiscriminately and without competent experts. If there is anything true in life and medicine, it is what Paracelsus said: The dose makes the poison.
Nothing is absolute – except nothingness itself.
What we believe to be set in stone is, in the best case, just an assumption that has been confirmed by many people over a long period of time. Such as the effectiveness of aspirin, for example – even if until today, we don't even know why most of the components actually work. With aspirin, the benefits far outweigh the harm. Not even many vitamin tablets can claim that.
With wheat, it's the other way round: the harm is starting to outweigh the benefit. The news is coming thick and fast: the risk of schizophrenia in the baby if the pregnant woman is gluten-sensitive. Joints that hurt, bones that break. Back pain that cannot be identified even with the most sophisticated imaging diagnostics. Souls that darken massively after eating a piece of cake. Food intolerances - including gluten - are spreading like Australian bushfires during dry periods.
As far as nutrition goes – and lately also vaccination – we must risk our lives to preserve it right now... until it becomes clearer what makes us sick and how. Not only as animals, but also as humans, we must not only reap what we sow... we must literally eat it. Doctors have come up with little better than removing gluten from the diet, waiting to see if your health improves, and then giving you wheat or rye again to check. If you feel sick, get diarrhea, bloating or migraines - hurray! - then, yes, then gluten was the culprit. Only then will those affected finally find out what a Nobel Prize winner in some lab has really gotten them into with his super wheat.
As with AIDS, which was first described in the 1920s, it took decades for wheat to become apparent: we have literally bred ourselves a really serious health problem. It doesn't just affect those whose immune systems already run havoc as soon as they smell bread containing gluten. It affects all of us. Because we don't know exactly when we've reached our own personal tipping point of intolerance potential. When our own genetic switches will flip because they can't handle all the genetically modified food (or drugs) anymore.
In combination with the genetically manipulated "vaccination" against Covid, which has been administered tens of billions of times, this could become even more interesting.
In the world of science, rethinking is not always welcome. Many egos in freshly starched lab coats rush through the corridors and defend the status quo.
The extent to which they actually go has become legendary (not only) through the famous example of Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis: The Viennese obstetrician recommended that his colleagues wash their hands thoroughly before examining new mothers. Until then, doctors had marched straight from the dissection room to the mothers and transferred the corpse poisons to breasts and birth wounds. The maternal mortality rate from blood poisoning was accordingly exorbitantly high. When doctors finally followed Semmelweis's advice, extremely reluctantly, cynically and condescendingly, the so-called childbed fever was reduced from 12.3 to 1.3 percent throughout Europe.Ignaz Semmelweis was so much hated and persecuted for this success that he eventually died of blood poisoning in a psychiatric clinic, having gone almost insane. He was long dead when Rudolf Virchow discovered the actual existence of bacteria, which proved Semmelweis' theory correct.
We know about the dangers of pesticides, artificial fertilizers, dioxin in the soil, mercury in the water, hormones and antibiotics entering our food chain. But we eat them anyway. Only 4 percent of the food on our tables is organic. One of the main reasons is that scientists still claim that all of this is harmless. We are creatures of habit... we want to believe it , like we want to belive, that the covid vaccination is harmless with millions of people suffering from side effects and even dying because of it..
The second reason is that hardly anyone weighs up the slightly higher cost of organic products against the much higher cost of, for example, cancer.
Only through their own experience could doctors and patients learn that a new generation of rheumatism drugs, so-called COX-2 inhibitors, were a bitter example of dashed hopes. They were supposed to put an end to the pain and had to be taken off the market again after a short time because they had life-threatening side effects… with 55.000 people dying from it..
Despite massive side effects in 25% of users, statins were prescribed to treat high cholesterol. Today we know that it is only when the levels of LDL are extremely high that they are harmful to the heart.
Calcium, which is regularly recommended to menopausal women to strengthen their bones, turns out to be a sneaky enemy of the heart.
The same goes for the hormones that are supposed to suppress the hot flushes of menopause and ease mood swings. Not only did heart attacks increase dramatically under their influence, but also thrombosis (life-threatening blood clots) and breast cancer - so much so that the comparative studies involving 100,000 women had to be stopped. But before that, in the 1970s to 2000s, tens of millions of women in the western world had already taken these very hormones because they were told that they were "natural" and therefore had no side effects.
And the vaccination against Covid was not only not a vaccination: it did not even protect against infection, contamination or death.
Experts and their patients have learned the hard way through experience that although chemotherapy is administered on an overwhelming scale, it is only effective in curing around 10% of all cancers, such as childhood leukemia, testicular cancer or certain lymphomas. This is assuming the disease was discovered early enough.
The statistics for breast cancer are even worse: 80% of women receive chemotherapy. But only 20% actually benefit from it. Hardly any woman is informed of these facts by her doctor. Unfortunately, in many cases it is not known exactly which women will benefit, so they are administered as a precaution. But today they are administered for at least one cycle before the operation to see whether the tumor responds at all and shrinks.
"The five-year survival rate does not mean that you are healthy," one expert explained to us. "It just means that you have survived those five years. If the cancer returns just a week later, it is considered a new disease from a conventional medical point of view."
Science and related businesses like the FDA or the RKI, or the pharmaceutical industries go far, often too far, to lull themselves into a false sense of security – and to sell certainty. This is precisely why patients, believing what "scheince says", miss out on important opportunities:
for example to free themselves from the effects of gluten intolerance without additional medication, simply by changing their diet.
Or the opportunities offered by complementary medicine, which has proven extremely helpful (not only) in cases of cancer: first and foremost nutrition – because cancer can only live if it is fed with sugar;
psycho-oncology to help deal with the terrible horror of the disease; acupuncture, homeopathy, mistletoe therapy, to name just a few.
No matter how good a therapy is, how new, how modern, how groundbreaking it seams: only time can tell whether it really does what it promises. And even if it does: our instinct, common sense, our inner voice are always called for.
“The integrity of the soul is just as important as physical integrity", Hamburg's breast cancer expert Prof. Dr. Peter Schmidt-Rhode once said at one of our information events for patients. “Only if a woman is fully aligned with her treatment can the therapy be effective.”